Why Car Seat Check is Important

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When buying a car, we have so many considerations.  We feel that we have everything figured out.

We check the:
1. Brand
2. Model
3. Year
4. Color
5. Engine power
6. Fuel type
7. Seat capacity
8. Size
9. Price
10. Payment scheme
and many other criteria.

But, we often neglect the safety features.   Or, if we didn't are we certain that we've done enough to ensure that we have availed of the best safety measures we can?

Like when it comes to car seat, is just purchasing and installing enough?   Of course, not!  We have to choose which one is best for us.   There are so many types to choose from such as Infant seat, Convertible seat and Booster seat.  And, we have to install it properly.

Did you know that in the United States where car seats are popular, 3 out of 4 car seats are being used incorrectly?  That's a safety measure failure right there!

One of the main cause of that is the false belief that they installed it correctly because they had their car seats checked at the Police Station or the Fire Station without making sure that the person checking is a certified child passenger safety technician  or certified car seat technician.

Imagine that!  They have gone through a rigirous process of selecting and purchasing a car seat but it isn't at all useful just because they did not have a proper car seat check.  So I would say, it is the car seat check that is vital in ensuring your child's safety!